Maybe you are curious about the bag dragon scales, in the shadow of this bag we may look scary, but after we saw the results are so good that you also may be curious and want to try it for yourself, the main ingredient of the bag is a leather bow dragon scales, here we will give you about how make bags dragon scales at affordable prices.
Here is the equipment and materials we need: barking Leather, paper, cardboard, glue, scissors, paper, soldier.
Method of making bags dragon scales:
1.We looking for material from the skin of bark and then we cut to the pattern we expected, then we are barking skin drying.
2.Make pattern from cardboard paper bags and adjust to the shape of ornaments that we expect to medium skin sticking barking.
3.The thats enough barked skin is dry, we attach a piece of bark into the skin of cardboard using glue
4.After paperboard us we glue the bow to flatten the skin surface of our skin can heat it with a soldier that the results become more flat.
5.Wait a few moments until the bag is completely dry and stick adhesive.
6.Tide trinkets and decorations to beautify the results in accordance with what we want. With a barked skin we can make various crafts such as ashtrays, tissue boxes, etc.
So how do you think of goods that were previously not make can be utilized, and creativity we too can be appreciated. Good luck.
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